The people living in Jerusalem after returning from exile
To call the people to complete the task of rebuilding the Temple.
In some circles, Haggai has been given a bad rap. Some scholars identify him as one of the most insignificant voices among the prophets. Others have accused Haggai of focusing more on material things and less on spiritual truths. But such judgments are premature. The material and the spiritual cannot be separated. Haggai communicated God’s message to his people about the things of God. In Haggai’s short prophetic message, the things of heaven and the things of earth flow together.
God brings about everything in his own time. Suffering and disability may seem chaotic and beyond God’s watchful and caring eye, but they are not. He sees all things and oversees all events. He asks his people to give careful thought to this truth and not lose hope. This is the message of encouragement from Haggai—not an insignificant message at all!
God’s power over circumstances. The four prophetic messages delivered by Haggai communicated, to one degree or another, God’s power over all things in heaven and on earth. He is all-powerful; he is all-knowing; he is ever-present. Those who experience suffering and disability can wrap themselves in this knowledge and rest assured that God’s character is the same today as it was in the days of Haggai.
Encouragement and promise. Themes of encouragement and promise are woven through this short but precious book. People with disabilities, as well as families and caregivers, need encouragement and a sense of expectation in their lives. Haggai does not disappoint as he consistently reminds his audience that God refuses to give up on his people. He is always there at our point of deepest need.