The church at Ephesus; it was then circulated to nearby churches
To strengthen believers by explaining the nature and purpose of the church, the body of Christ.
Most people like mysteries—that is, once they figure them out. But suffering is a mystery that will only be understood when God brings “everything together under the authority of Christ” (1:10).
According to Paul, everything will ultimately work out according to God’s plan (1:11). At the center of that plan is the suffering Christ, who is now seated at the right hand of the Father. Jesus’ battle and victory over sin prepared the way for us. We may not like pain or conflict, but knowing that we can trust God’s goodness and sovereignty empowers us to fight for victory.
Paul cared deeply about the church at Ephesus, where he had spent a lot of time. While imprisoned, he penned a letter to them filled with love and encouragement. As their pastor, Paul told the Ephesians to continue building each other up and strengthening the body of Christ (4:12). Every member was to be viewed as indispensable (4:16), and each should prepare themselves for battle, clothed in the full armor of God (6:11).
God does not waste our suffering. Life in a fallen world entails human suffering, but never without a divine purpose. Paul’s letters, as well as his life, assure us that God does not allow our suffering to be wasted. Paul’s own imprisonment became a means of sharing the gospel and inspiring others to sacrifice for the Kingdom.
Christianity calls for our best efforts. In heaven and on earth, Christ’s reign calls for our best efforts at making peace and serving others. This work is done through the power of the Holy Spirit living in us. God’s perfect plan is firmly rooted in helping others and treating one another with kindness.
The mystery of equality. Paul made clear God’s mysterious plan for the church: The Gentiles were equal with the Jews, even though the Jews received the covenant promise first. In the same way, the unity of the church also includes people with disabilities, whom God has also called and gifted for his purposes. No one is outside of God’s grace.