Hebrew Christians
To present the sufficiency and superiority of Christ.
The letter to the Hebrews was written to a people experiencing social upheaval, loss, and an unknown future. First-century Jews were the only people in the Roman Empire allowed to worship a “god” other than Caesar. Thus, once the Christian church became a distinct community, persecution followed from Jews and Roman authorities alike. Christians from the Jewish community were tempted to return to their synagogues where life was safe. But this letter encouraged them to keep the new covenant because the old ways of Judaism were insufficient. Imagine how earthshaking this change was for Jewish believers.
When pain, disability, or disease enters a person’s life, the experience can be similarly earthshaking. Their faith may be severely tested by the many new and stressful challenges they must face. But just as the early Christians learned to adjust to their “new normal,” people facing disabilities and other similar challenges can also eventually come to flourish in a new lifestyle that focuses on their character and God-given abilities rather than their limitations.
Suffering for faith in Christ. A major theme in this book echoes the words of Jesus: “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows” (John 16:33). No one willingly volunteers to suffer. But suffering has a distinct and redemptive purpose—it forces us to surrender to God’s holiness and kindles in our souls a longing for heavenly rest.
God gives endurance. Since suffering is usually more than a momentary experience, God gives his children endurance so we can rely completely on our Savior. We may be tempted to trust in other things, but nothing else is sufficient to save; therefore, we’re called to persevere and endure for Christ’s sake.
Our Christian hope. Christian hope—or confidence—is “a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls” (Heb 6:19); it keeps us moored and safe in the storms of life. Hope and confidence are closely related to endurance. Hope that is securely rooted in our Savior’s unchanging promises provides us with the faith and strength we need to endure through all seasons of life.