

John, the apostle


Seven churches in Asia and all believers everywhere


To reveal the full identity of Christ and to give warning and hope to believers.

In this challenging book, John recounts his vivid vision of the last things, a vision full of symbolic numbers, apocalyptic images, dramatic actions, and vivid colors. While the church has debated the precise meaning of these elements for centuries, there is no doubt about the main message: The promised future victory over suffering enables Christians to endure agonizing persecution in the present through the power of the Holy Spirit. Regardless of one’s interpretation of the details, Revelation is full of sustaining hope in the midst of suffering, enabling believers to trust in a God who has not abandoned them. In the end, God will restore Creation to its intended state and dwell in a city with ever-open gates where the redeemed live intimately with God forever.


  floral bullet  Suffering is unavoidable for faithful Christians. This concluding book of Scripture, written to believers experiencing persecution, is intensely realistic about the fact that Christians will experience suffering—there is no escapism in Revelation. The crucified and resurrected Lamb (Jesus Christ) rules the universe and will preserve the people of God through suffering.

  floral bullet  Reality is more than our daily physical experiences. John’s vision gives us a powerful view of what is happening and will happen in the heavenly realm. The invisible realities that impact and shape our lives tell us that Satan is real. But he has already been defeated—the terrors of demons, dragons, and the Beast are only shadowy parodies of the power and majesty of the true God. Because of Christ, suffering has spiritual significance, and saints (all people who believe) have a role to play in the cosmic plan of God.

  floral bullet  God will triumph over suffering. In fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies about redemption, we are given a picture of judgment that fully and finally enacts justice: God wipes away all tears and ushers us into a purified, personal relationship with himself. This victory is intended to ground our hope and sustain us through suffering in the power of the Holy Spirit.