*1 Chr 29:4a Hebrew 3,000 talents [102 metric tons] of gold.
*1 Chr 29:4b Hebrew 7,000 talents [238 metric tons] of silver.
*1 Chr 29:6 Hebrew the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds.
*1 Chr 29:7a Hebrew 5,000 talents [170 metric tons] of gold.
*1 Chr 29:7b Hebrew 10,000 darics [a Persian coin] of gold, about 185 pounds or 84 kilograms in weight.
*1 Chr 29:7c Hebrew 10,000 talents [340 metric tons] of silver.
*1 Chr 29:7d Hebrew 18,000 talents [612 metric tons] of bronze.
*1 Chr 29:7 Hebrew 100,000 talents [3,400 metric tons] of iron.
*1 Chr 29:10 Israel is the name that God gave to Jacob.