*Mark 14:3 Or reclining.
*Mark 14:5 Greek for 300 denarii. A denarius was equivalent to a laborer’s full day’s wage.
*Mark 14:18 Or As they reclined.
*Mark 14:21 “Son of Man” is a title Jesus used for himself.
*Mark 14:24 Some manuscripts read the new covenant.
*Mark 14:27 Greek I will strike. Zech 13:7.
*Mark 14:36 Abba is an Aramaic term for “father.”
*Mark 14:55 Greek the Sanhedrin.
*Mark 14:62a Or The ‘I AM’ is here; or I am the LORD. See Exod 3:14.
*Mark 14:62b Greek seated at the right hand of the power. See Ps 110:1.
*Mark 14:62c See Dan 7:13.
*Mark 14:67 Or Jesus the Nazarene.
*Mark 14:68 Some manuscripts do not include Just then, a rooster crowed.