Worshiping an Uncommon God
DISPLACED. HOMELESS. REFUGEE. STRANGER. Words that described the common Israelite as they wandered the wilderness can also describe us. We feel lonely at times, destitute and hopeless in the midst of our troubles. We live in a world that Scripture assures us is not our ultimate home (Heb 13:14). God’s Levitical law connected the Israelites with his direction and protection. It can also be a map for us, establishing common ground with one another within the difficulties, distresses, and disappointments of life. God’s decrees can limit and lessen both the consequences and the frustration which come with these negative circumstances.
The world of tyranny shifted to a world of grace
The Levitical law provided a basis for the Israelites to view themselves differently. Calling it “life-changing” would be putting it mildly! The world of tyranny and slavery they knew in Egypt shifted to a world of gifting and grace under God’s rule. In some ways Israel’s experience mirrored that of surrounding nations—deities, sacrifices, and priests were a normal part of life. But what was unusual was God’s demonstration of grace and his command for monotheism—worship of him alone. Sabbaths, covenants, land redemption, indentured servant release, Jubilee years, and even dietary restrictions made Israel stand out from other nations. For instance, Leviticus 25:23-55 tells the common Israelite to take care of those who cannot care for themselves—the poor and the enslaved.
But what was truly unique for Israel was the covenant. Other nations based their laws on external conformity. Israel's Levitical law was based on internal compliance (26:1-3). The common Israelite was expected to treat people as persons, not as possessions. Persons with disabilities were to find refuge in Israel as they would have no place else. Other nations believed only the king was made in the image of the god. But in Israel, all people—no matter their physical, intellectual, or social stature—were viewed as God’s image-bearers. Being made in God’s image meant that all people had worth, value, and dignity. The Levitical laws protected and prospered all people. In Israel, hurting, needy people would feel right at home.