ELIOT An Unexpected Leader
MOST PEOPLE THINK OF A “MODERN LEADER” as a person who is brave, smart, and charismatic. But this is not always the case. Take Eliot, for example. Eliot is a powerful and inspirational worship leader in West Africa. His love for the Lord is obvious, and he leads his congregation into deep and meaningful times of worship.
When Eliot was only ten years old, he knew that the same strength and courage God had offered Joshua (1:9) was available to him as well—despite the fact that Eliot has cerebral palsy (CP), which limits his voluntary muscle control and results in awkward movements of his arms and legs. He uses a walker for stability and can’t speak because speech therapy wasn’t available when he was younger. But these facts do not make him different from many others with CP.
God always understands the language of the heart
What sets Eliot apart is his willingness to wholeheartedly seek God and allow the Holy Spirit to move in and through him. Instead of letting his disability disqualify him from leading worship, Eliot puts it on full display. He can’t use recognizable words to sing or pray, but Eliot enthusiastically volunteers to intercede. While his form of communication is understood by some and not others, his expression of love for God is evident through the way he draws others into worship—God always understands the language of the heart. When Eliot leads worship, there is a greater sense of God’s presence and pleasure. Eliot believes that he is loved by God—just as he is—and he uses his gifts to lead others to the throne of grace.
What makes leaders like Moses, Joshua, or Eliot powerful? A willingness to take God at his Word and respond as Isaiah did, “Here I am. Send me” (Isa 6:8). Even though we may not fully understand the purposes that God has for us, we can praise him for who he is, surrender ourselves to the work of his Holy Spirit, and place our unconditional trust in him.