JEHOSHAPHAT A Powerful Choir

DIETRICH BONHOEFFER ONCE SAID that in times of care and sorrow, music will keep a fountain of joy alive in us. David must have experienced the great power of music to encourage the soul as he hid in a cave from King Saul, who sought to kill him. He wrote: “My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises!” (Ps 57:7).

King Jehoshaphat was terrified when he learned that surrounding armies were headed to attack Judah. He called on the people to pray and fast and seek the Lord’s guidance. God assured them through a prophet that they need not be afraid or discouraged because he was with them and the battle was his (20:15).

Victory can be ours for a song

When it was time to face off and the fighting men stood armed and ready, Jehoshaphat appointed a choir of singers to lead them into battle (20:21). Their voices rang out in praise, proclaiming God’s love and faithfulness before a single enemy had been slain! They didn’t know that the Lord would cause the enemy armies to turn on each other “at the very moment they began to sing and give praise” (20:22). They had secured the victory by lifting their voices in confident praise—the mighty warriors didn’t even lift a hand!

Satan also knows the power of godly praise and worship. He is in a battle for our minds and watches closely how we choose to respond to our circumstances. When we respond in faith, trusting and praising God regardless of our situation, we have victory over our enemy. Victory can be ours for a song.

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