JONAH A Bitter Prophet
JONAH’S SPECIFIC MISSION from God was to go to the city of Nineveh and proclaim a message of judgment on the people’s wickedness. As God’s prophet, he should have looked forward to calling people to repentance as well as celebrating their changed hearts. Instead, he boarded a ship headed in the opposite direction. He was running from God—or so he thought. When a great storm arose and Jonah realized that his disobedience was putting himself and his shipmates in mortal danger, he insisted that the crew throw him overboard.
Jonah sunk into the sea’s depths, clinging to his last bit of air. But God sent a great fish to swallow him. Then, he sat sulking in the murky, smelly pit of the fish’s stomach for three long days and nights before he finally surrendered and cried out to God for help.
The three dark days that Jonah spent in the belly of the fish foreshadow the death and resurrection of Christ (Matt 12:38-41). Jonah was given new life, so to speak, when on the third day the fish spit him out on the shore. He arose as a new man who was ready to fulfill his mission and calling.
Hanging on to bitterness or vengeance poisons the soul
Jonah immediately headed for Nineveh and began proclaiming the message God had given him. The people heeded the prophet’s warning and turned to God. But when thousands were saved from judgment, Jonah was deeply disappointed. He was angry with God over the mercy, grace, and forgiveness that God had extended to the Ninevites, who were Judah’s enemies. What was at the core of Jonah’s vengeful bitterness? Was it fear? Or did his pride long to see his enemies destroyed? Either way, Jonah’s character needed more refinement. Hanging on to bitterness or vengeance poisons the soul.
Through Jonah’s life, we see God’s great love for all people and the need to be careful “that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many” (Heb 12:15).