EPAPHRODITUS Devoted Caregiver
ASK FAMILIES AFFECTED by disability about caregivers, and they might paraphrase a familiar proverb: “Who can find a virtuous and capable [caregiver]? She [or he] is more precious than rubies” (Prov 31:10). Good caregivers love people and usually become a respected part of the family and medical team. The best ones embrace their task as a calling from God, which seems to have been the case with Epaphroditus. He exemplified Paul’s admonition to “work hard to show the results of your salvation” (Phil 2:12).
While Scripture tells us very little about Epaphroditus, a closer examination of the details reveals an honorable man and dedicated caregiver. His church family selected him as a trustworthy person to carry their gifts and offerings to Paul. We can assume he was a man of courage because his very life was probably at risk while serving Paul, who was an unpopular prisoner with an uncertain future. Epaphroditus also made the sacrifice of being separated from his own family, friends, and the comforts of home for an undetermined amount of time. Then, like many committed caregivers who get burned out and exhausted, he became very ill—so ill he almost died.
Good caregivers love people well
As a result of his nurturing heart, a strong bond was formed between the apostle Paul and the relatively unknown Epaphroditus. What joy and satisfaction he must have felt returning to Philippi with Paul’s letter tucked safely in his belt. The apostle graciously acknowledged Epaphroditus’s sacrifice, referring to him as a “true brother, co-worker, and fellow soldier” (Phil 2:25) and one to whom God had shown mercy by healing him (Phil 2:26-27). No doubt the believers at Philippi welcomed their brother home with the honor he deserved.
It would be wonderful if today’s church would catch the vision to love and support those who are willing to serve as caregivers the way Epaphroditus did. As we value caregivers and esteem their work as done unto the Lord, we honor our Savior who is the ultimate model of service and sacrifice for others.