UNNAMED HEROES God’s Hall of Faith

EIGHTEEN PEOPLE ARE MENTIONED BY NAME in Hebrews 11, also known as “The Hall of Faith,” but there are many more who are included without being named (11:2, 29-30, 32-38). What do they have in common? They all believed that “God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him” (11:6). Further, the vast majority were ordinary, obscure people who lived their lives of faith in mundane places, usually with little or no notice from the world at large. Yet the impact of their faith had ripple effects even centuries later in God’s providential plan.

These faithful followers of the God of Israel all died without having received what was promised to them in this life. Despite their difficult, seemingly insignificant lives, they continued to believe that God saw them. They believed that God governed the world and would ultimately make things right. In fact, the writer of Hebrews says, “They were too good for this world” (11:38); God “had something better in mind” (11:40) for them—as he does for us, too.

They were too good for this world

Let that thought sink in. God considered these unnamed people—little known in their own time and still unknown today—“too good for this world” but with treasures in heaven waiting to be inherited on the last day.

Can you see yourself in this great company of saints? Your life may seem insignificant by all the measures of worldly power and influence. But God does not do things the way the world expects. He humbles the proud and mighty and exalts the lowly and despised. God sees your suffering, and because he chose to be incarnated as a human being, he feels your pain. And in his divine plan, he will reward you as you believe that he is real and holds a place for you in heaven because you trust in Jesus as your Savior. Believe this promise of God as so many have before you. These unknown saints of old are part of that “huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith” (12:1), and they are cheering you on in your race. Run on by faith!

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