
“Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been destroyed by fire.” NEHEMIAH 2:17


Broken Walls Neh 2:11-18

Hurricane Katrina was one of the worst hurricanes ever to hit the United States, making landfall August 29, 2005. The city of New Orleans took a direct hit. Images of devastation, lost lives, and a city brought to its knees shook the nation. The city is still recovering and rebuilding years after the storm. What made the devastation so great? The flood walls of the city gave way—the storm was too strong, and New Orleans lay in ruins.

This modern example makes it easy to understand why Nehemiah was so distraught over the walls and gates of Jerusalem. He knew that the walls of a city represented its future and prosperity. Without secure walls and fortified gates, a city was vulnerable to raids by invaders, who would ravage and plunder citizens without mercy. The people of the city would also be exposed to natural dangers such as wild animals. Nehemiah knew that broken walls would result in broken lives.

In many ways the walls of a city symbolize the “walls” of our lives today. Scripture tells us that “a person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls” (Prov 25:28). Self-discipline protects from apathy, temptation, and willful sinning—it is like a wall around our lives and faith. It also builds strength of character and prepares one for the attacks thrown at us by challenges of life.

When life takes a turn we were not expecting, the “walls” of our lives may fall and leave us vulnerable. Questions enter our minds, and our faith comes under attack. Avoiding these dangers requires constant vigilance: Am I spiritually nourished? Are the protective walls around my family strong and healthy, or are they crumbling? What about my marriage—am I protecting it? Take a moment and ask the Lord to show you areas of your life where the walls are broken and in need of his intervention.