
“Just kill me now, LORD!”


I’d Rather Be Dead Jon 4:1-11

At some point in our lives, most of us feel that life is not fair. We can buy into the lie that if we work hard, play fair, and do our best, life will be easy. But when calamity strikes, we are shaken to the core and find ourselves spiraling into a sea of loneliness and despair.

When God showed compassion to the wicked Ninevites, Jonah was confused. He thought they deserved God’s wrath, not mercy. Jonah’s desire for revenge plunged him into a state of depression. He wanted God to deliver divine retaliation for what the Ninevites had done. But when God wouldn’t, the prophet thought he would be better off dead.

When all our plans seem to fall apart and life becomes overwhelming, the temptation to give up is very real. Depression is not uncommon for those who live with disabilities or incredible suffering on a daily basis.

Kevin was a typical teenager who loved playing basketball. At fourteen, his dreams of making the high school team were shattered by a mentally deranged neighbor who came to his door with a gun. Moments later Kevin found himself on the kitchen floor with a bullet in his neck and a spinal cord injury that resulted in quadriplegia. The stress of having no way out of his predicament led Kevin into alcohol and drug addiction, as well as suicidal thoughts. But thanks to a loving family, Kevin returned to the faith of his childhood. Today he is a college graduate with a mission to help people with disabilities overcome addiction and live productive lives.

If you find yourself in the grip of despair and wanting to give up, remember Kevin and ask God to show you the way through your despair into the life he has planned for you.