
“For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms.”


United with Christ Eph 2:4-7

“Are we there yet?” Children often ask this question on road trips in eager anticipation of what’s ahead. Paul’s letter encourages us to look forward to being with Jesus in heaven, but also to recognize that as believers we are already spiritually “in the heavenly realms” with him right now. Paul uses this important expression four times in the book of Ephesians to emphasize how God blesses us from on high (1:3, 20; 2:6; 3:10).

After Jesus’ death and resurrection, God threw open heaven’s door to welcome us into the heavenly realms (1:3). Paul describes this as summing up all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on earth (1:10). After being raised victoriously, Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father (1:20). As Jesus assumed his heavenly throne, the Father put all things under his authority.

But what about us? We rule with Jesus. Although God found us dead in our sins, because of our union with Christ, we also have been raised up and are seated with Jesus (2:6). For now, this means that we can finally have victory in our spiritual battles. Jesus’ battle and victory over sin prepared the way for our battles with and victory over sin and personal suffering. We certainly don’t enjoy conflict and suffering—they hurt! But we can trust that God has prepared us for the battle and be emboldened to fight for his glory.

When we turn from sin, our obedient lives show Jesus’ victory over spiritual enemies. With every act of obedience, we proclaim Jesus as ruler and authority in the heavenly places (1:21-22). We may struggle, and life may seem like a battle much of the time. But Paul tells us that we must be strong in the Lord by putting on the armor of God (6:11-12). We can face our battles because Jesus defeated the enemy and has assured us that we have a glorious homecoming to look forward to (John 14:2-3).