
“Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.” EPHESIANS 5:18


Life in the Spirit Eph 5:15-20

A while ago, an office supply commercial used the popular tagline, “That was easy!” If you’re faced with a hard task, just press the “easy” button, and presto! The task is done. If only there was an easy button for life! For example, if your money doesn’t stretch until payday, the doctor’s report is not encouraging, your “happily ever after” marriage becomes a disappointment, or Alzheimer’s steals the memory of someone you love—just press the “easy” button. Unfortunately for many of us, life has instead become a twenty-four-hour grind to simply survive.

Paul understood that hope in this life alone was no hope at all. Trying times, difficult personalities, and worldly temptations can drain the joy and vitality of even the most earnest Christian. What is Paul’s response? Be filled with the Holy Spirit—energized, saturated, and overflowing! These words only begin to explain what Paul meant in this verse; no single word fully captures the Spirit-filled life that Paul describes. Perhaps that’s why Paul repeated himself so many times throughout the book of Ephesians, reminding us about the role the Holy Spirit plays in the Christian life.

The Holy Spirit is our guarantee that all of God’s promises are ours in Christ (1:13-14). The body of Christ has unity and peace through the Holy Spirit (2:18). He enables us to walk in love and forgiveness. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit for life and ministry (3:14-19), equipped with wisdom and self-control to live a fruitful life. He leads and guides as we surrender to his control. We can be victorious in the spiritual battles we face through the Spirit (6:13).

Life may not be easy; no one promised it would be. But life in the Spirit guarantees that you are not alone. You can pray, seek his will in Scripture, and worship him through songs. His joy and strength will fill you until you will no longer just “survive” the day, but rather learn to thrive.