
“[Jesus] is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God.” HEBREWS 8:6


The Old and the New Heb 8:6-13

When life is hard and there seems to be no end in sight, we can be tempted to ask, “Why do I trust in Jesus? Things are not getting better!” Sometimes we may even be tempted to walk away from our faith. Remember, many of Jesus’ own followers abandoned him when things started to get hard. At one point Jesus asked the apostles, “‘Are you also going to leave?’ Simon Peter replied, ‘Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life’” (John 6:67-68).

This chapter brings us to the same place. Having considered all that Jewish believers depended on, the author of Hebrews reminds us that we have in Jesus a Savior who offers us something better than anything the world can give. Jesus’ ministry is better than everything provided under the old covenant, and his salvation is based upon better promises: He would rise from the dead and not lose any who trust in him.

The old covenant looked forward to a new—and better—covenant (Jer 32:36-44). Hebrews 8 reminds us that a better promise was coming—and has come—in Jesus. He has come to write his promises on our hearts so that we know him—from the least to the greatest (Heb 8:11).

When we are broken and feel like we are among the least, we need to remind ourselves that Jesus has come. His promises are for us, no matter how difficult our lives and no matter how dire our situations. He has superseded all the requirements of the old covenant, fulfilling them for us so that we can benefit from his goodness.

We have a High Priest and Savior who is able to do for us what we cannot, in our own weakness, do for ourselves. This is good news. Take comfort. Jesus has overcome the world for you!