A Word from Joni

Don’t Be a Stumbling Block

I remember being at a large disability conference; most of those attending were hearing, but some were profoundly deaf. During one of the meetings I overheard a couple of the hearing people saying hurtful things about those who were deaf, as though they were free to gossip because the deaf people couldn’t hear their words.

Leviticus 19:14 says, “Do not insult the deaf or cause the blind to stumble. You must fear your God; I am the LORD.” In this verse, God makes it clear that he’s the guardian of the deaf and the protector of the blind. They can’t hear or see, but he can. Thankfully, the sort of incident I described doesn’t happen too often in Christian circles. But the lesson goes far beyond the deaf and the blind. God sees and God hears. So fear the Lord, no matter who you’re talking about—because nothing is hidden from his sight.


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