A Word from Joni

Post Blizzard Promise

Roaring winds, the spray of sleet and snow, dangerous and slippery ice. Remember those storms when you were a child? I sure do. I’d shiver under my quilt, listening to the creaking branches outside my bedroom window. Would the house survive? Would I?

Moaning winds made me feel lonesome. I yearned for sleep to escape the night, but every time I’d nod off, rattling windows would shake me awake. Would morning ever come?

Yes, and I would wake to the sun’s soft rays warming my bed covers. The howling had ceased, and only an occasional gust swirled powdery snow off the sill. Quiet called me out of bed and to the window, where I gasped at the dazzling white landscape. It was beautiful.

There are days when our souls feel windblown, raw, and exposed—times when we’re tossed in a blustery tempest, and it seems as if everything is breaking loose. A new diagnosis, a rare disease, a life-altering injury—will morning ever come? Yes, the God who brings beauty out of blizzards not only promises to bring peace after the storms of life but also promises to be our refuge.

If you sense storm warnings, seek shelter in God’s Word. Recall how near and present the Lord really is. Cling to his promise of peace. Remember that joy comes in the morning. Let him cover your fear and anxiety with his love, like a blanket of snow. “Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge” (Ps 16:1).


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