4:11 Designed by God As Creator, God assumes responsibility for what we call “disabilities.” He made all people just as we are—lovingly fashioning us in the womb (Ps 139) with a calling and plan for our lives. He takes full responsibility for our existence, and intentionally decides which abilities people will have. Because nothing falls outside of his sovereignty, we can have courage no matter what limitations or struggles we may face.
4:14-16 Radical Service God accommodates Moses’ sense of inadequacy, but remains steadfast in affirming his call on Moses’ life. Aaron will be Moses’ “spokesman,” but the calling itself remains for Moses: “You must lead my people Israel out of Egypt” (3:10). God’s purposes for our lives are not negated by our perceived weaknesses and limitations. Instead, he provides exactly what is needed for us to answer his call.
4:30 Partnership Aaron’s role as a “spokesman” (4:16) for Moses was a crucial act of service, meeting Moses’ need and empowering him to fulfill his divinely-appointed mission. Those who are called to similar roles in the lives of people with disabilities or people who are suffering should never underestimate the significance of what they do. Service itself can be a high and noble calling.