34:6-7 God’s Fairness In his self-description of his character, God emphasizes both his justice and his mercy. He holds people accountable for their sin, which can have long-lasting effects on future generations. But this concern for justice is fueled by a heart of love, compassion, and forgiveness. We can approach his throne of grace with boldness, knowing “we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most” (Heb 4:16).
34:26 Walking with God For the people of Israel, the “first” (34:22) and the “very best” (34:26) of the crops represented their future. The command to offer these to the Lord, before proceeding with the harvest, meant the Israelites had to trust God to meet not only their present needs but their future needs as well. God’s people have always been called to step out in faith, trusting him with everything—including the unknown path ahead.