13:21-24 Missing God’s Best Eshcol (literally “cluster”) was the name of a valley south of present-day Jerusalem. From this fruitful valley, spies brought back grape clusters so large that it took two men to carry them on poles. All of the spies, except Joshua and Caleb, lost sight of the magnificent bounty God offered them and instead focused on the numerous, enormous inhabitants of the land. Often, even in the face of God’s blessing, our fear can overshadow everything else, leading us to doubt God and his promises.
13:32-33 Facing Giants A diagnosis of cancer, autism, Alzheimer’s, or paralysis can appear as large as a giant. Meanwhile, doctors, treatments, and the unhelpful comments of well-meaning friends can make us feel as helpless as grasshoppers. Fear and apprehension may cause someone to simply give up. Don’t let bad news and cowardly voices drown out the voice of God in his Word. Instead, say with Caleb, “Let’s go at once to take the land. . . . We can certainly conquer it!” (13:30).