5:6-20 Rules for Life The first four commandments instruct us on how to love God our Redeemer. In the Sabbath commandment, we are reminded that God brought us out of slavery into freedom, so we must intentionally rest to remember his goodness weekly. The next five commandments show us how to love our neighbor. With every negative (e.g., you must not murder) there is an implicit positive command (so, we should honor and protect life).

5:21 Foundational Gratitude This final commandment focuses on our own hearts. The implicit commandment is that we find contentment, no matter our circumstances or our suffering, in God alone—not in envy of our neighbor’s life or circumstances. How do we do this? We discipline our minds and hearts to focus on loving God and others. When our minds and hearts are focused on those things, there is no room for covetousness.