32:3-4 Joy in Suffering Moses took time to sing about who God is. We also need to take time to stop and think about the greatness and goodness of God. Everything God does is perfect. This can bring us comfort as we suffer or watch a loved one struggle. Reminding ourselves that God is good and faithful helps us trust that even in pain and affliction, God has a plan for our good.
32:10-11 Protected Are you in a desert place? A howling wasteland? God knows! And he surrounds you and cares for you, hovering over you and keeping you in the shelter of his wings. God provided this word picture of complete dependence to assure us of his protection and guidance.
32:36-39 Growing under Pressure When our strength is gone and we’ve come to the end of ourselves, God sees and remembers us. These verses are a powerful reminder that God will do whatever it takes to bring us back to him. Even wounding? Yes. This is hard, but it is also comforting because God’s purpose is for us to know him and love him as he loves us.
32:47 Matters of Life and Death Reading the Bible can sometimes feel like another item on our to-do list, and we may be tempted to forsake it altogether. This verse cautions us to view God’s Word as life. Obeying God is more than just a good thing to do. Obedience allows us to experience God’s blessing and promises.