3:4-6 God’s Indwelling Spirit Joshua instructed the Israelites to follow about half a mile behind the priests, who carried the Ark of the Covenant. That distance would allow all the people to see that God was leading the way, but also provide a safe distance from his holy presence. Sometimes God seems distant as we deal with daily challenges, but he is always guiding us. But instead of an Ark we can see, now God’s Spirit indwells our hearts—bringing us assurance and guidance, enabling us to stay on the right path, and helping us to encourage others along the way (John 14:15-17, 2 Cor 1:4).

3:14-16 Faith in Action God could have stopped the flow of the Jordan River at any time, even during flood stage. Nothing is impossible for him. But notice that God waited until the moment that the priests’ sandaled feet touched the waters. What a vivid picture of how God asks us to trust him in the midst of life’s flood-high conditions, which can so easily overwhelm us. He is always ready to act when we are ready to trust and move forward in faith.