2:10-15 Bad Choices, Tough Consequences Israel chose to abandon the Lord and worship other gods. The Lord’s response was not simply to abandon them but to fight against them. He actually handed the Israelites over to their enemies. When we disobey the Lord or turn to the false idols of our day—such as money, possessions, titles, and fame—we can also expect to experience suffering and hardships.
2:18 Pity If a perfect God can have pity for people who are suffering as the direct result of their sinful, rebellious behavior, how much more should we sinners do the same for those around us? Pity must not be the kind that looks down its nose at another’s pain but rather the outstretched hand of compassion that says, “I too have suffered and will walk with you through the darkness.”
2:22 Testing Some of our problems come as tests—allowed by God—to reveal our hearts, strengthen our resolve, and forge transformation in our lives. When conflict comes, ask God to show you where you need to grow deeper in your Christlike character and convictions. He will be faithful to show you.