2:1-10 God’s Provision It is often in the midst of our most challenging circumstances, suffering, and disability, that we see God at work in our lives. Nehemiah is an example of God’s provision for the people of Judah at such a time. When all hope seemed lost, God moved in the heart of King Artaxerxes to grant favor to Nehemiah, including safe passage to Jerusalem and resources for the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.

2:18-20 Faith in Action God spoke to Nehemiah’s heart, prompting him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah had to take a step of faith amid the collective doubt, fear, and pride swirling around him. Walking in faith does not always make others happy, nor does it mean a carefree life of ease. Sometimes we fail, but God will always use it for our ultimate good. Real faith expresses itself in action (Jas 2:18-26).