4:10-14 Discouraging Times Everyone faces seasons of discouragement, especially when voices of defeat betray our intentions. Those voices can be our own or those of others. When the Jewish rebuilders started listening to those around them instead of God, they quickly became overwhelmed. Nehemiah had to refocus their attention on their “great and glorious” God. Are your eyes on your limited circumstance or on God? Whose voice are you listening to today?

4:15-23 Spiritual Warfare Nehemiah and his people were in a war—a spiritual conflict of epic proportions. It is no different today. Our true enemy is not physical but spiritual. Even when attacks come through human beings, the devil is ultimately behind them. But as he did for Nehemiah and the rebuilders, God has given us the weapons we need to fight the enemy of our souls (Eph 6:10-20)—and the final victory is assured.