5:1-13 Justice Expressed A godly lifestyle reflects God’s heart. Of all Nehemiah’s activities during the rebuilding of the wall, one stands out: his advocacy for the poor and marginalized. Nehemiah placed central importance on rectifying the treatment of those who had been experiencing injustice—the poor, needy, and disabled. He knew that the key to a healthy city was not simply rebuilding the wall, but rebuilding a people with a heart “to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with [their] God” (Mic 6:8).
5:14-19 Generosity Actions speak louder than words. As Nehemiah advocated for those in need, he backed his words up with actions expressed in kindness—at significant personal cost to himself. Ministry to people in need may cost much of your time, talent, and treasure. But as Jesus reminded us, when we give generously to those who cannot repay, we are assured a generous reward in heaven (Luke 14:14).