1:12 Anger Destroys Queen Vashti may have had good reasons for refusing to come when King Xerxes summoned her. Xerxes’ quick temper, however, made him look like a foolish, easily-riled man—even he soon regretted his actions (2:1). James cautions us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry” (Jas 1:19). Hasty decisions made in anger can do irreparable harm to relationships.

1:21 Consider the Source King Xerxes sought counsel from his advisers on how to resolve the conflict with Queen Vashti. Unfortunately, his inner circle was made up of people who lacked godly wisdom and may have had ulterior motives. When making critical decisions, Scripture encourages us to seek the input of trusted advisers who will point us to God’s truth. “The plans of the godly are just; the advice of the wicked is treacherous” (Prov 12:5).