9:17-20 Fair and Just Job doubted God’s justice. When pain or hardships seem overwhelming, we often question God. Statements like, “God isn’t fair” or “I don’t deserve this” surface, revealing our uncertainty about God’s goodness and justice. But God is not unjust. He is always fair and good (34:10, 12; Ps 25:8).
9:21-22 Forgiveness Job was not sure what God held against him, but he wanted the matter resolved so the pain would stop. Like Job’s misconception, it is easy to believe that our suffering and disability is connected with some past wrong, which makes us wonder why the pain continues even after our sin has been confessed—did God not forgive us? But our God is always merciful and ready to forgive. Suffering is not a sign of unforgiven sin any more than prosperity is a sign of righteousness.