23:1-9 Engaged One of Job’s errors was thinking God was absent and did not hear his cry for help. Often we think God is too big, too powerful, or too distant to hear us. We also sometimes feel he is unapproachable, unmerciful, and aloof. But God is not indifferent. He is listening and actively involved in our lives (33:14-18).

23:3-4 Our Advocate Here and elsewhere (9:33-35; 16:19-21; 19:25), Job poignantly expresses the deepest desire of the human heart: to have a representative who can speak on our behalf before God and restore our relationship with him. Praise be to God that, in the person of his Son Jesus Christ, we now have such a “mediator,” an “advocate” who can plead our case and intercede for us with God (1 Tim 2:5; 1 Jn 2:1)!