10:1 When God “Hides” When we cry out to God for rescue, his intervention is sometimes delayed—he seems to “hide.” How can we get through these difficult seasons? Pray for a surrendered will. Because trials are often painfully difficult, sincerely asking for God to change our hearts may require a time of deep soul-searching. Changes of heart may not come easily, but by God’s grace and through his strength, our reluctance will give way to acceptance.
10:17 Borrowing God’s Smile The struggles of daily life can threaten to overwhelm, especially when pain and discomfort dominate. But God has the resources—physical, emotional, and spiritual—that we need to “make it,” one day at a time. We may sometimes need to “borrow God’s smile”—simply rely on God’s strength to give us the emotional energy we need for that moment or day. But when we cry out to him in the midst of our distress, he inclines his ear and takes delight in rescuing us.