1:4-11 Endless Activity A generation is born, and a generation dies. Solomon perceives life as an endless cycle of activity that, by itself, does not bring security or meaning to the human experience. Without God, these thoughts can lead to anguish. But as the psalmist assures us, God’s perfect plan accounts for each day of every person’s life before it comes to be (Ps 139:16).
1:13-14 Search for Meaning The burdensome search to understand life and all of its complexity can be disappointing. However, those who avoid reflecting on the deep matters of life’s purpose do so to their peril. It can be difficult and sometimes leads to grim conclusions along the way, like Solomon’s words here that blame God for the “tragic existence” humans face. But looking for meaning only in earthly things is ultimately meaningless; the search is fruitful, however, when it brings us back to dependence on God.
1:15 Embracing Our Circumstances Solomon tried to measure wisdom’s capacity to solve the problems of life, particularly forms of suffering. He determined that in spite of people’s best efforts, there are matters that are simply beyond us and times when we cannot restore what was lost. How might our lives be different if we decided to keep our hands open to receive or release our problems according to God’s good and perfect will?