8:7 Observing Nature There are times when creation itself can teach us how to respond to the challenges of life. The prophet reminds us that even animals follow their natural instincts, migrating to ensure that they are not stuck in an inhospitable climate. Certainly the people of Jerusalem, who have received direct revelation from their Creator about how to live well and worship him, should know the right way to respond to difficulties. Yet humans so often ignore God’s principles for healthy living and reap the hurtful consequences.

8:21–9:1 When Others Suffer Jeremiah wept for “people who have been slaughtered” (9:1). It’s important to remember that “slaughter” isn’t always physical. It can be the massacre of a person’s character, livelihood, or even their sense of identity in Christ. We sometimes feel powerless when faced with the raw emotions of another’s grief and pain. Paul’s admonition to “weep with those who weep” (Rom 12:15) is crucial. We must show up, be present, and lift them up to God in prayer.