1:1-6 The Pain of Loneliness A serious disease or disability can isolate a person, leaving them feeling as empty and sad as the deserted streets of Jerusalem in the wake of her destruction. And just as the beloved city’s beauty was stripped away (1:6), suffering can weaken the body and mind. Devoted friends can fade away over time for various reasons. Yet God remembers and sustains us, restoring us as he eventually did with Jerusalem.

1:20-21 Falling Short When struggles color our world, we can lose perspective. Sometimes we disregard the precious gifts inherent in our being as humans created in the image of God, trading them for the empty promises of temporary distraction or indulging our despair. When that kind of thinking takes hold, behaviors and attitudes that rebel against God and his plan are often not far behind. Even the strongest believers can stumble in their faith under such pressure. It is good and right to lament over those moments of struggle, naming them and bringing them before the Lord in repentance.