4:2-3 Not What God Intended When you really know someone, you can see the image of God shining through him or her. A disability does not change this. And yet, just as the people of Jerusalem ignored their starving children, around the world people do unspeakable things to those with disabilities. Discrimination and abuse happen, and we should not look the other way just because it is unpleasant. Acknowledging it reminds us that this is not how God intended it to be.

4:22 God’s Justice While divine justice is not the standard most people acknowledge as guiding our world, it applies to all people! The innocent often suffer, but they are never far from the mercy and restoration of the Lord. Jeremiah urged his people to believe this and to not lose heart. But the guilty—the ones who lack authenticity before God and humanity—will be exposed for their sins and will suffer the consequences.