4:1-3 Slow to Anger In a fit of self-righteous indignation, Jonah failed to see the irony of his situation: He was complaining about God’s long-suffering nature. When we find ourselves angry because we wanted God to mete out justice, we are wise to heed the counsel of James to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry” (Jas 1:19-20).
4:10-11 The Lord Is No Respecter of Persons Even among the “enemies” of God’s people, there are innocent people who are just as much victims of the cruelty that their leaders dish out as the people of Israel were. Jonah wanted to see all the Assyrians suffer rather than offering them an opportunity for repentance. But God’s love and mercy are available to all of his children. Jew and Gentile alike are under his watchful eye.