1:1-6 A Call to Repentance Future hope begins with repentance. If we want to bask in the blessings of God, we must wholeheartedly return to him, leaving our sinful actions and attitudes behind in order to follow his design for our lives.

1:8-17 Comfort for Those Who Endure Zechariah’s first vision affirms that comfort awaits those who are radically committed to God’s purposes. The people of Judah enjoyed peace, but they were still suffering from the effects of drought and famine. They had been faithful to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and God promised that they would enjoy comfort and prosperity soon.

1:18-21 Suffering Will End Zechariah’s second vision is a reminder for the people of Judah, who had suffered greatly at the hands of other nations, that their oppressors would be defeated. God sees the suffering of his people, and he will not forget about those who were responsible for that suffering.