15:21-28 An Unmerciful Jesus? Jesus’ actions and words toward this Gentile woman at first seem to be callous or even cruel, but they can be understood more clearly when the incident is put in cultural context. Up to this point, the blessing that this woman was asking for had only been offered to the Jews (10:5-6), a blessing that was intended to flow through the Jews to the nations. Jesus responds to her persistence with mercy, recognizing that she is simply asking for whatever is left over from a blessing that was intended to go from the Jews to all nations right from the start (Gen 12:2-3).

15:30 An Advocate for People with Disabilities Jesus came to this earth to make himself known, and he did this through both what he said and what he did. Those who needed a touch from Jesus were all brought to him, and Jesus “healed them all.” There is no illness that Jesus can’t heal and no person brought before him that he will not touch. Jesus is the great advocate for people with disabilities.