1:7-8 John, the Witness This Gospel’s author, John, is concerned that we believe what he has written. He describes hurting people with significant needs, and he is writing to people with similar concerns. We are all vulnerable and have been disappointed and misled. John wants to be sure that his readers understand that his Gospel is trustworthy. That is why he begins by talking about John the Baptist (a different John than the author, John the apostle). John the Baptist was a trustworthy witness to Jesus who was widely respected and sought out by religious leaders and common people alike (1:19-27). John the Baptist consistently pointed people to Jesus rather than drawing attention to himself.
1:14 Jesus, the Human In John 1:1, John establishes that Jesus is God. This is remarkable. But now he takes it further: Jesus is also a man. The God of the universe became a human just like us. Like us, he hurt, suffered, and was tempted. In fact, Jesus was like us in all ways except one: He did not sin (Heb 4:15).