18:17-18, 25-27 Big Mistakes We all fail. When Peter failed, he failed big! After committing to die for Jesus (13:37) and defending him with a sword (18:10), Peter denied knowing Jesus three times. Big failures demand major forgiveness. Ultimately, Peter was able to reaffirm his commitment to Jesus (21:15-17) and became one of the most important followers of Jesus in the history of the church. Sometimes we’re afraid to approach Jesus because of our failures. Peter is an example of forgiveness that can encourage us all.
18:36 Our Home Is with Jesus Sometimes we feel like we don’t belong on this earth. Trials, failures, illness, and disability can make life very difficult. However, we can take hope in the knowledge that Jesus’ Kingdom is “not an earthly kingdom,” and someday we will be with him forever. This comforting thought can help us through our difficult times.