8:15-17 Prescription for Fear Fear is a common theme for those who suffer. Even in the midst of the most painful days, there is a fear that it can always get worse. Fear does not need to be our master. In fact, our suffering now can serve as a reminder that our spirits are joined with the Spirit of God. And when we lean into him, trusting that God is with us, fear shrinks back in his presence.
8:28-29 Becoming like the Son It can be hard to believe that God is working everything “together for the good of those who love God” in the midst of pain, sickness, heartache, or financial uncertainty. How can such trials be for our benefit? How can this verse bring comfort, even though it sometimes feels like a trite platitude? We must look to the full counsel of Romans, where Paul also teaches that problems and trials help refine our character (5:3-4). And when our character better reflects Christ, more people are able to see what God is doing in our lives, and they are drawn to him.
8:35-37 God Stays! Trouble does not come because God has abandoned us. Christ’s love is not withdrawn because of disability, struggle, financial ruin, lies, or depression. God is present with us in both good and bad. The Holy Spirit cries out on our behalf when we are unable to find the words (8:26-27). Suffering is not a sign that God has left you. It never has been, and it never will be.