5:6 Faith Expressed in Love Much of the message of Galatians is expressed in this one verse—namely, that true faith in God expresses itself in true love for others. Performance is of no value because God does not count works as righteousness—nothing we do can make us right with God, and even trying to earn salvation through following the rules takes us further from God (5:4). Those keeping score of talents and abilities are wasting their time—faith is not measured in abilities but in expressions of love.

5:14 Love Fulfills the Law In addressing the internal conflict in the Galatian church, Paul reminded them of Jesus’ words about love—truths that remain powerfully relevant to the church today. If we focus on placing others first and serving each other, then disputes and arguments often take care of themselves. Love levels the playing field so that everyone is viewed as a fellow child of God and therefore equally deserving of our care.

5:22-23 Fruit of the Spirit As believers, we pray for the fruit of the Spirit to be evident in our lives. But are we willing to submit to his pruning work? We pray for patience, but do we serve the elderly man with Alzheimer’s disease rather than getting upset with him for his lack of speed? We pray for kindness, but then judge the mom of the child with autism rather than asking how we can help her. Let’s allow the Spirit to produce his fruit in us!