1:4-5 Without Fault Blameless and perfect! Is it possible? Paul reveals God’s plan that we are to become holy in Christ Jesus. In God’s economy, neither abilities nor limitations have any bearing on perfection. Only Christ counts. You were known and chosen by God—even before he created the world—to be faultless in Christ.
1:12-13 A Holy Purpose One of the most commonly asked questions is, “What is my purpose?” Here, Paul sets the foundation for every believer—our purpose is to praise and glorify God. Whatever our circumstances, suffering, or disability, as we seek to glorify God we will fulfill our ultimate purpose and live out God’s plan for us.
1:23 His Body Paul uses the body as a metaphor for the life of the church. As the human body is infused with the human spirit, so Christ’s body—the church—is filled with his presence. As a complete and mature body, every member of the church should be treated with respect, dignity, and the opportunity to use their gifts in accordance with God’s plan for them (1 Cor 12:12-31).