4:4-7, 16 One Body, Many Parts Paul reveals that the church is God’s plan for the unity of Christian believers. True maturity, Paul writes, is a unified body of believers who recognize there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism and that each member has a special gift for ministry to the body. We are to be welcoming and discerning of how God wants to use each member, including those with mild to severe disabilities. They have a “special work” (4:16) in the church even as able-bodied members do.

4:21-32 Embracing Our New Nature Those who are in Christ receive a new nature—a spiritual desire and ability to live a godly life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Paul speaks of practically living the Christian life by replacing the former ways of life and sin with Christlike behavior. The old nature will not go away easily; this is a daily battle of dying to self and living for Christ. The end result is glory for the Father.