5:15-20 Filled with the Spirit Paul exhorts the church to not waste time through foolish living; rather, we should “make the most of every opportunity.” He uses the intoxicating power of wine as an example of what to avoid. Rather than allowing alcohol to control us, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. When faced with chronic pain, sorrow, or disability, the quick route to relief may appear to come through drugs, alcohol, or other vices. Paul warns that this is a waste of time and can ultimately ruin our lives.

5:21-33 God-honoring Marriages Marriage can be both blissful and challenging for even the most loving of couples. When a crisis such as death, bankruptcy, disability, or infidelity enters the picture, it can push the covenant keepers to the limit. Paul explains that the key is mutual submission to one another out of reverence for Christ. Serving one another, along with submission and respect, can help sustain and strengthen the ties of love so that couples can work through life’s most tragic circumstances.