6:1-4 Parenting 101 Paul provides solid and universal principles for parenting: Children are to honor and obey their parents; parents are to be patient and kind, providing godly discipline and instruction. This requires love and relationship, which in turn requires time. Parenting a child with special needs may demand an even greater investment of time than usual. If we find ourselves overwhelmed or frustrated, we must remember our children “belong to the Lord,” and seek his wisdom and patience.

6:10-20 The Armor of God Although we face a real enemy who is out to destroy our souls, the good news is that God has given us everything we need to be victorious in the fight. Our “armor” consists of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit. So don’t get caught in enemy territory unprepared—put on the armor of God each and every day!