2:2 Courageous Suffering It takes courage to do what is right when it means we’ll experience pain and suffering. Paul and his companions were given courage to continue preaching and teaching in spite of great opposition. We have the same Holy Spirit that enables us to do the right thing, even when the cost is great.

2:4-6 Proper Motivation Reflecting back on his time in Thessalonica, Paul reminds them that he always prioritized pleasing God above pleasing people. We may be able to fool people for a season—and those with disabilities can be especially vulnerable—but ultimately, God sees our true motivation. Jesus also cautioned us about doing our good deeds to seek human praise (Matt 6:1).

2:9 No Obstacles to the Gospel Each Jewish boy in the first century learned a trade, and Paul’s was making tents (Acts 18:3). Paul needed to support himself as he moved around preaching the gospel. To do otherwise could have been an obstacle to the gospel, making Paul appear lazy and entitled. We also need to carefully consider what we do and say so that it doesn’t become an obstacle for those we seek to save.

2:19-20 You Are Our Joy! The rewards of faithfully serving Jesus are found in the people to whom we minister. Paul couldn’t help himself as he expressed pride and joy over the faithfulness of these persecuted followers who would one day stand with him before the throne. Who do you take pride and joy in knowing and mentoring? Take time today to let them know how much they mean to you.