5:3 Widows in Need The early church provided the example of caring for widows who were truly in need. Today, there are social programs that help support many widows and others in need, but the church must still be on the lookout for those who are vulnerable. When God’s people meet the needs of those who have no one else to help, God is glorified.

5:4, 8 Godliness Begins at Home While the church is to help those in need, Paul makes it clear that the family is the primary institution responsible for the care and protection of family members. Believers need wisdom in seeking external support for family members. Such support is important; however, one must be careful never to abandon loved ones to paid support providers.

5:23 Healing Properties in Creation God can work in various ways, and believers should never insist that he only heals through supernatural methods. Paul encouraged Timothy to “drink a little wine” because its healing properties would help alleviate Timothy’s illnesses. God had worked through Paul to heal many people miraculously, yet here Paul reveals that God also uses the benefits of his created world to alleviate illnesses. Notice that Paul is not saying to abuse the treatment, as that would go against other statements he had made (1 Cor 5:11; Gal 5:19-21). With wise discernment, we can explore the wide variety of healing methods God has made available to us in his creation.

5:25 Good Deeds Our ministry to others should never be done for personal attention or accolades. We should always check to ensure our motives are right. We serve out of love for people and for the glory of our Lord. Jesus cautioned against doing good deeds to receive the admiration of others (Matt 6:1-4). Paul teaches that everyone’s deeds—whether good or bad—will be revealed at the proper time.